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No Power On Brake Circuit Using Hopkins Endurance Multi-Tow Trailer Connector Adapter  


I purchased the HM47570 from etrailer and tried to use it to connect my 2008 Chevy Silverado factory 7-blade to a friends car hauler trailer with 6-pin round. All of the trailer functions lights and braking work fine when connected to his Toyota Tundra with 6-pin. My question is, when you position the quick change plug to make the center pin outlet +12 volt, what pin is the electric trailer brake power then being directed to on the 6-pin side? Or is the trailer braking function lost when the quick-change plug is flipped. We were unable to achieve any trailer brake power in either of the two quick-change positions, although all of the lighting works fine. Should I have purchased instead one of the Hopkins universal adapters like Hopkins Wiring - 47549 Adapter 7 Pole to 6 Pole - Universal or Hopkins Wiring - 47565 Adapter 7 Pole to 6 Pole and 4 Pole and then modified to get the brakes working? Or can we get the HM 47570 to work without modifying any of the wiring on the trucks or trailer? Thank you for assisting.


Expert Reply:

As you know there are 2 ways a 6-Way connector could be wired. The center pin is either going to be 12-volt power or brake output. The other function that is not in the center is going to be in the 2 o'clock position if looking at the face of the connector (10 oclock position if looking at the back where the wires attach).

What you can do is use a circuit tester such as # PTW2992 to test the adapter when plugged into the vehicle. Have someone test the pins (whichever configuration the trailer is set up for) while you fully apply the manual override on the brake controller. If there is no power to that pin during this test change the Quick Change and test again.

If there is no power again then unplug the adapter and test the output circuit on the truck (5 oclock position if looking at the pins). If there is no power again then the issue is on the truck side and you will need to track down the missing connection and fix it.

If there is power in the right place without the adapter but not with the adapter then there is a problem with the adapter and it will need to be replaced. A different adapter would not have necessarily worked any better and the Quick Change model really is the way to go because of the 2 ways a 6-Way could be wired.

Sometimes on a Chevy Silverado, there are additional connections that need to be made under the hood to make a brake controller and 7-Way fully functional and that could potentially be the issue. I have included a link to a help article that will help you.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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