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What is the Difference Between Class 1 and Class 2 Hitches for the Scion XB  


Whats the diff. between class 1 and 2 recievers? Am looking at Curt class 11 trailer hitch rec.item no. 12490.


Expert Reply:

Class I and Class II hitches both have a 1-1/4 inch receiver opening. The difference is that a Class I hitch has a lower tongue weight rating, usually 200 pounds and a lower towing rating, usually 2,000 pounds. A Class II hitch usually has a tongue weight rating of 350 pounds and a towing rating of 3,500 pounds. The only other difference is that accessories designed for Class II only hitches will not fit in a Class I Hitch. Class I accessories will work in the Class II hitch.

I would recommend the Class II hitch over the Class I hitch anytime it is available due to the increased capacity and safety it will provide. You will also have a much wider variety of accessories to choose from that will work in the hitch. You will still need to make sure that any accessories, and the items carried or towed on them, fall within the vehicle tow and tongue ratings listed in the owners manual.

expert reply by:
Bob G

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