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Replacing Venture Motor on Atwood Gear Box on Powered Landing Gear  


Hello, and Thank you for your assistance. I have a 2007 Weekend Warrior Tripple Axcle 5th wheel trailor. It has electric landing legs. I can not read any numer on the motor. The motor says Venture and the gear box says Atwood. My problem is that the motor runs but the legs do no extend or retract however I can retract/extend the legs with a manual crank rod. The hexagon rod that operates the Non-Drive leg also turns manually but not by the motor. I have two questions? 1. Do you think that the motor is shot, but the gear box is ok since I can retract/extend with manual crank rod? 2. I was told by an RV dealer that you can not purchase the motor by its self that you have to by the motor and Gearbox together, is this true? and if so, Why? P.S. Where would be the least expensive place to purchase what I need to fix my landing legs. I could take a picture if that would help? Thank you for your advice and help.


Expert Reply:

If your motor runs but the landing gear does not move (except when manually cranked) this suggests that the gearbox in the landing gear is still functioning properly but that there is some issue preventing the motor torque from reaching the gearbox.

First I suggest you unbolt the motor from the landing gear. Check the motor drive shaft; it is possible that it has been sheared off. If the motor were to remain on after the landing gear legs are fully retracted or fully extended all the force from the motor has no place to go and so it is all borne by the motor drive shaft. (If that excess force does not damage the drive shaft then it might possibly damage the gearbox, but since you can manually raise and lower the landing gear we will take it that the gearbox is not the problem.)

Unbolt the motor from the landing gear (usually they are held in place by two bolts). Apply power as you normally would to operate the landing gear. If the drive shaft not does not turn or if it appears to be disconnected from the motor then it is probably sheared off and the motor will need to be replaced. We do have replacement motors, available without the gearbox.

Part # LG-142178 is a Replacement Motor for Stromberg Carlson Electric Landing Gear, but it will also work with most other brands, including Atwood. I have included a photo of this part with measurements for the mounting holes. The two holes have a center-to-center distance of 4-1/8 inches. I also included a video showing the part.

If your current motor has mounting holes with a different center-to-center distance please provide a photo and all reference numbers from the motor housing and we can research further to find a correct replacement.

expert reply by:
Adam R
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