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Trailer Wiring and Weight Distribution Ball for a 1993 Dodge W350  


My wiring was so not wired correctly so Im starting fresh. Ive done some reading and noticed these trucks have less than adequate wiring coming from the headlight switch which can cause failures to the switch itself due to overload. My trailer is a 40foot tri axle which brakes on all wheels. I really want to plug into existing factory wiring and avoid splicing. Whats my best bet? Another problem... My trailer weighs 4500 lbs. With a gvw of 14,500. My load level Hitch head is a Hidden Hitch with a 1" diameter ball. I don't see a weight rating on the current ball. I want to replace the ball with a 2 5/16" 20k USA made ball. Who makes one?


Expert Reply:

For your 1993 Dodge W350 you can use Curt trailer wiring harness # C55317. It plugs in line with the truck tail light wiring. But if you are concerned about overloading the truck wiring I recommend a hardwire, powered harness # C59496. This will draw power for the trailer lights directly from the truck battery.

Then to add a 7-Way you will need # ETBC7. I have included some links that show and explain the # ETBC7 installation.

The links also explain how a brake controller will be installed. For a brake controller I recommend the P2, # 90885. This is one of our most popular controllers because it is easy to set up and use and it is reliable. It will work with the 6 brake assemblies on your tri-axle trailer.

You has also mentioned needing a new ball for your weight distribution system. It sounds like you need a ball with a 1 inch diameter shank and a 2-5/16 inch diameter ball. B&W ball # BWHB94001 could work for you. It has a 1 inch diameter shank that is 2-1/2 inches long. It is rated for 12K and it is made in the USA.

Since a 1 inch diameter shank is not common, if you actually find that you need a 1-1/4 inch diameter shank then you can use B&W ball # BWHB94004.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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