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Can a 2011 Honda Odyssey Tow a 3200 Pound Travel Trailer Using Weight Distribution and ATF Cooler  


I have already got a class III 2inch hitch that I use to tow a popup camper, but I am looking at purchasing a used Viking 16b travel trailer listed at 2421lbs @3100 - 3200lb loaded that the seller is also including an Equalizer Sway Control Hitch that I think is also a WDH as well. Not sure. Can the Odyssey pull this trailer? With the Equalizer SCH that this guy has? I plan to get the 7-pin connector installed and a transmission fluid cooler.


Expert Reply:

Equal-i-zer is a brand that makes weight distriubution systems. But just like with Kleenex and tissue, people use the term equalizer to mean any weight distribution hitch. The actual Equal-i-zer systems do have built in sway control so I would assume that is what he has.

I checked the owners manual online for the 2011 Honda Odyssey and found the following information.

With 2 passengers and using a transmission cooler the vehicle has a 3,500 pound gross trailer weight capacity. With 3 passengers that drops to 3,350 pounds. Four passengers takes it down to 3,200. Five passengers makes it 3,050 pounds. With 6 passengers it is 2,900 pounds. And with 7 you are limited to 1,450 pounds.

So with a trailer that weighs 3200 pounds you would be good with up to 4 passengers. You also have to stay within the gross combined weight rating which is 8,477 pounds. This is the most that the vehicle and trailer can weigh when loaded with cargo, passengers, fuel, and anything else.

The vehicle can be used with weight distribution though it does say in the manual that it is not required. Make sure the system is rated a little higher than the total tongue weight of the set up. This is calculated by taking the tongue weight of the trailer when loaded and ready to tow and adding to that the weight of anything loaded behind the rear axle of the tow vehicle.

The most popular cooler for your van is # D13503. I have linked a video you can use as a guide when installing a cooler on your van.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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