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Best Way To Attach Trailer Plug Bracket To A Trailer Hitch Without A Pre Welded Bracket  


I was wrong about the hitch having a welded mounting point for a backet to hold a 4 flat to 7 blade adapter. My proposed alternative is to flip reverse the bracket, drill two small holes = 5/32 through the face of the bracket. Two threaded holes into the rear vertical section of the trailer hitch. Then mount the bracket using screws into the #13485 Curt hitch. » Would drilling two 5/32 holes into the face of the hitch weaken it? » Would it void any warranty? » Please advise an alternative solution.


Expert Reply:

As far as the mounting bracket, you can absolutely screw it directly to the hitch if you want. We do this frequently in our own installs and it will not compromise the strength of the hitch in any way. Now putting a few holes in the hitch does open up the potential for rust, since we are compromising the powder coating, but the risk is small. You could use the bracket # BK4F for a 4-flat or use the # C67UR for a 7 way, and a self tapping screw like # 101131802.

If you do not want to drill into the hitch, you can use a no drill bracket # 18140. This basically uses a hose clamp around the crosstube of the hitch, and give you a mounting point for the bracket # BK4F or # C67UR without having to put holes in the hitch.

expert reply by:
Jesse M

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