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Instructions To Bypass Integrated Brake Controller In 2011 Chevy Silverado With Red Arc Tow-Pro  


What are the instructions to bypass the ITBC of a 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4x4 with this Redarc controller?


Expert Reply:

Under the dash of your 2011 Chevy Silverado to the left of the steering column is a bundle of bluntly cut wires. These wires will connect to the main unit of the Redarc part # RED44FR just like a traditional style brake controller. The wire colors are Red/Black wire, White wire, Light Blue/White wire and Dark Blue wire, possibly Orange wire. You can disregard the dark blue and orange wires since they are not needed for a brake controller installation.

Connect the brake control to these wires as follows.
Red/Black to Black Battery Power on brake controller
White to White Ground on brake controller
Light Blue/White to Red Brake Light Signal wire on brake controller

You then need enough 12-gauge wire to reach the rear of the truck part # 12-1-1. What you will do is attach one end of the wire to the brake controller blue wire then route the wire through the firewall, under the truck, avoiding areas that may pinch or burn the wire, and to the back of the 7-Way. You want to find the brake output wire attached to the back of the 7-way and remove it. Replace it with the new 12-gauge wire. Stow the old wire out of the way.

There may also be some connections that need to be made under the hood. Both wires that need to be connected to the under-hood fuse box are black/red with eyelets connected to them. The new brake control power wire is located between the fuse box and the left (driver's side) fender. The battery charge wire is located under the master cylinder/brake booster assembly. You will attach the battery charge wire on the black smaller stud on the fuse box using a m6 metric nut part # 185916 and the brake controller wire goes the larger silver stud along with the existing red wire with m8 nut part # 185917. The existing red wire does not need to be removed for proper function of the new brake controller. I have attached a help article as well.

expert reply by:
Heather A

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