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Hitch Carrier for Yamaha Zuma 125 Scooter Compatible with Class C Motorhome  


We are considering buying Yamaha Zuma 125 scooter which weighs 363 lbs fully loaded to put on a carrier behind our 24 ft class C M/H. I see you recommend the ultra fab dirt bike carrier. One review stated he thought scooters should not be carried on this carrier.... his carrier had bent due to the uneven weight distribution. Hes the only one that said this , but Im not sure what to think. Any help you can give would be appreciated . Thanks.


Expert Reply:

Any accessory carrier made for use on a motorhome or trailer does need to be constructed for that specific application. The reason is that the distance from a motorhome's rear axle to the hitch is typically much greater than that on a passenger car or SUV. That longer distance translates to more motion and stress applied to the hitch and to whatever device is installed in it, such as a scooter or dirt bike carrier.

The issue with scooters as compared to a typical dirt bike is that the weight of a scooter tends to be concentrated on one end - usually the rear. This uneven weight can cause torsional (twisting) motion of the carrier shank. A dirt bike is usually fairly even in where its weight is applied since the engine is centrally located. Scooters often have their engine placed much closer to the rear. This is true for the Zuma 125.

However, you have what I believe to be an incorrect wet weight figure. The Yamaha website indicates a wet weight of 262-lbs. That 100-some pound difference matters a lot.

The Ultra-Fab Dirt Bike Carrier # UF48-979033 has a 500-lb capacity and is not prohibited from use on a motorhome. You can use this carrier for the Zuma 125, assuming Yamaha's online weight specs are correct, provided that you use a strap to help support the heavy end of the carrier, the one that holds the rear wheel of the Zuma. Ratchet straps like # EM34415 that are 10-feet long can connect between the carrier and a suitable point on the motorhome that can bear some weight.

The straps do not have to so much suspend the scooter's weight as prevent torsional motion of the carrier. If the RV has a rear or side ladder you can use that as an attachment point for the straps. Since the ladder is designed to hold an adult's weight it will be fine for this stabilizing use. Or if the RV has a roof rack or other tie-down point those might be used to support the heavy end of the carrier.

Naturally your RV's hitch has to be rated for no less than 500-lbs in order to use this carrier. I suggest checking the safety sticker on it to confirm its tongue weight (TW) rating is no less than 500-lbs.

I have included a link to the Yamaha website page that shows the weight spec for the scooter.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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