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Troubleshooting Difference in Space Between Tires on Tandem Axle Boat Trailer  


Hello, I have a tandem boat trailer that I replaced both axles on this spring. I now notice that the space between the axles is different from the left to the right side. The difference between the tires is 1 inch wider on the left than on the right. Is there a way to increase or decrease the spacing between the tires on either side to equalize and square them up? Thanks in advance


Expert Reply:

There are a variety of reasons why the space between the tires on your tandem axle trailer might differ between the left and right side.

I first recommend verifying that the trailer is on even ground when you are taking the measurements between the wheels. It seems simple, but if the trailer is on unlevel ground, it can cause one side of the suspension to have more load on it, thus leading to the difference in tire spacing you are seeing.

If the unequal spacing on the tires is present on level ground, I recommend checking the suspension system. First take a quick measurement between the spring hangers on both sides of the trailer to make sure they are equal. This will at least rule out that the issue is not caused by where the springs are attached on the trailer.

If everything checks out okay, then it may simply be time to replace the springs on your trailer. They might be unevenly worn, causing one side of the trailer to sag a bit more than the other. If you find this to be the case, I recommend replacing all the springs at once, even if one appears to be in better condition. In general, trailer leaf springs and their components should at least be checked for wear and damage every 12 months and replaced as needed.

I have attached a link that will take you to our available selection of trailer suspension products, along with an article that you might find helpful.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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