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How to Choose Correct Height for Post-Style Boat Trailer Guide-Ons  


How do I determine whether I need the 40” or 60” guide on posts for a 16.5 ft. Lund boat on a Lund trailer? I’m unable to test the required post height at a boat ramp right now and I drive a large SUV Toyota Highlander. Ideally, how many inches, minimum, above the gunnel/side of the boat should the guide posts extend ? I know that 60” posts will work fine but maybe extend much higher than needed and look odd. Your guidance will be.


Expert Reply:

The best way to determine the height needed is to measure from the top of your trailer frame to the top of the sides of your boat. If the 40" Tall Guide-Ons # CE27626 sit right at or slightly above the sides of your boat then the shorter will work for you. Otherwise the 60" Tall Guide-Ons # CE27646 will be the better option.

These posts are made of PVC pipe so in reality you can just get the 60" tall kit and then cut them to the desired height once you get your boat to the water.

Attached is a review video for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Jon G
Lund Boat and Trailer
Lund Boat and Trailer
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Lund Boat and Trailer
Lund Boat and Trailer
(click to enlarge)

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