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Color Clarification Regarding Wiring Issues of a 7 pin Trailer Blade Connector  


the trailer has a connector that has the colors labeled in words and all the wires are matched to the words.. the electric brakes and right turn were the only thing that worked. my 2002 ford factory connector didnt work out today... any tips.. thanks


Expert Reply:

Figuring out what color wire goes to what function is sometimes quite confusing. I have attached a diagram which covers both the most common wire colors designated for a seven pin trailer connector and a seven pin vehicle connector, referencing the wiring colors for each blade and what each blade is responsible for.

If you look up part # H20046, you will see about 1/3 of the way down the page a chart that will give you a wiring guide. It gives you the color of the wire and how it relates to the function and the usual trailer wire color.

I have also attached a short video showing the replacement of a seven pole connector on an older trailer. The video describes possible electrical issues and how to resolve them, which may give you some additional ideas or information. The part number being demonstrated is the Pollak Wiring part # PK12706.

expert reply by:
Lori W
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