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Will Dexter Brake Assemblies Fit on a Lippert Axle  


Is it Ok to use Dexter brake Assembly on a Lippert Axle? 7000K Axle 12x2 drum, 5 bolt pattern, this is my current setup now


Expert Reply:

You will have no problem using a Dexter brake assembly on a Lippert 7K axle. We have installed several Dexter brake assemblies on Lippert axles at our shop. Lippert and Dexter use the same standard mounting pattern and brake sizes.

If you want standard brake assemblies, you could go with the Right Hand brake # 23-181 and the Left Hand brake # 23-180. I recommend stepping up to the Dexter Nev-R-Adjust brakes, # 23-465 and # 23-464. The cost difference is very minimal compared to the standard brake assemblies and you never have to worry about adjusting the brake shoes when they wear down giving the best braking performance all of the time.

Keep in mind, these brakes do not come with mounting hardware. If you need new mounting hardware then you will want the following hardware for each brake assembly:

5 bolts # 7-5
5 lock washers # 38LW
5 hex nuts # 38N
1 adjuster plug # BP10-220 (qty 4 plugs)

I have attached installation videos for the standard and Nev-R-Adjust brakes for you to check out.

expert reply by:
John H

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