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Can a Trailer Breakaway System be Run off of Existing Trailer Battery  


Why do you need a second battery for the breakaway switch? Why cant the breakaway switch be wired to the large battery on my camper? Of course Im assuming that I dont fully deplete the battery by using the lights in the camper for very long. I normally either use an electric hook-up at the campground or use a generator to power the camper. I can keep a trickle/float charger hooked up to my camper battery when not in use to keep it charged. I have not had very good luck with small batteries such as is in my atv and lawnmower. I suspect that Ill be buying a small battery for the breakaway switch every year at best.


Expert Reply:

A breakaway kit can be wired in one of two ways to the trailer brake system. The first way would be to use the Engager Trailer BreakAway Kit with Charger and Tester, item # 20099 , and splice off of the power wire that maintains the trailer's battery on the trailer to charge the battery included in the kit (see instructions). This is the recommended method of installing a breakaway kit since many states require that a breakaway kit with separate power supply be used.

The second option, not recommended, is to use the existing battery for the trailer. This method will provide breakaway power to the trailer brakes if, when a breakaway occurs, the battery has the power to engage the trailer brake magnets. Since this situation could fail, due to the battery being discharged, I do not recommend wiring a breakaway switch in this manner.

I attached an FAQ on trailer breakaway systems for you to check out as well.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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