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Stair Recommendation for a In-Bed Camper with Entry Door 48 Inches Up from the Ground  


When my camper is mounted on my truck, the camper entry threshold is right at 48inch above the ground, and the bottom of the receiver hitch is 18 3/4inch above the ground. If I understand your measurements, these stairs would require a 16inch step-up from ground level to the first step. Thats too much for both my wife and me, as we are in our mid-70s and not as agile as we once were. Other than carrying along a stool to make that 16inch step possible, do you have any other ideas? Do you make a folding 3 step hitch-mounted set of steps? Does anyone?


Expert Reply:

The 2-step # RHS2 is the only multi-step hitch mounted steps that I have seen. You might want to look at steps # TLA7806. You can attach these steps to the threshold and they will reach all the way to the ground when pulled out. They also feature glowing parts on each step so they are more visible at night. I have linked the installation instructions to the right for you.

We also have # AS25 and # AS05 that can reach 48 inches.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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