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How to Convert a 1996 Ford F-350 4-Way Connector to a 7-Way Connector  


I have a 1996 f-350 with the factory tow package. It has the factory 4 way plug ran the rear and an unused plug to tap into to make a 7 way set up. I know ford part number to switch to a 7 way is F6TZ-13A576-BA but that has been discontinued. Do you make a custom kit to tie into the existing unused plug to get me a 7 way flat out back? I was hoping to not cut the factory wiring. Thanks


Expert Reply:

Hey Paul, thanks for reaching out!

The best way to get a 7-Way connection at the back of your 1996 Ford F-350 is either with the Hopkins # 37185 or with our Universal Installation Kit # ETBC7 if you need the extra wiring. Both of these require you to cut the plug off of your truck and splice this wiring together.

Unfortunately there aren't any plug and play options for a truck as old as yours.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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