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Curt Universal Fifth Wheel Base Rails Compared to B&W for 1998 Dodge Ram Truck  


I was wondering what the difference is between this and the BWRVR3200? I have a 98 Dodge Ram 2500 and plan on putting a 16k Curt hitch in my pickup. Which one of these mount is the best one? What are the weight ratings for both? And the BWRVR3200 design for just a Dodge? or is it just a paint color difference?


Expert Reply:

The Curt Universal Fifth Wheel Base Rails with Installation Kit, # C16200 & the B&W Installation Kit, # BWRVR3200 each serve the same purpose but are from different manufacturers. These are both ISR base rails and any hitch made in recent years by a major brand will be ISR except for those made specifically for the respective OEM puck systems. ISR is named so because they are the most popular pattern so are now referred to as the "industry standard." Industry standard rails are slotted on the top of the rail to accommodate tabbed, or spade feet of a hitch base. Each manufacturer will build their rails but if they are ISR it means the slot pattern is universally the same.

Either will fit your vehicle and each are of good quality. If you are installing a Curt hitch and want black, go with the Curt Universal Fifth Wheel Base Rails with Installation Kit, # C16200.

Fifth wheel rails have basically the same weight rating as the fifth wheel hitch that is installed to them. They are supported by the frame of the truck and any ISR base rails from a name brand manufacturer will meet the needs of the commonly found 5th wheel hitches on the market today.

expert reply by:
Michael R

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