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Troubleshooting Factory 7-way Trailer Connector On 2015 Volkswagen Touareg Not Having 12v Power  


Hi there. Just purchased a Curt Echo and plugged it into the OEM socket on my 2015 Touareg but theres no power. Ive not towed anything before with this vehicle. What am I missing? Does the OEM socket need to be activated somehow? Thanks.


Expert Reply:

From my research it looks like there is a fuse missing or blown in your 2015 Volkswagen Touareg TDI causing the 12v auxiliary power pin to not have the power needed to power your Curt Echo Wireless # C51180.

I was not able to find the specific fuse, but it should be in the engine bay fuse box.

It did see some reports that the 12v power pin was actually not connected any fuses, in which cause you would need to use # 10-1-1 with a 30 amp circuit breaker # PK54530 to run from the 1 o'clock pin on the 7-way connector to the positive terminal of your battery.

What I recommend is double checking that there is not a blown fuse in the engine compartment fuse box. Typically there is a fuse box diagram on the lid of the fuse box, or in the owner's manual which will show the function of each fuse, but I was unable to find an online version of the owner's manual to confirm this.

If you are not missing any fuses, and none are blown you can take your vehicle to your local VW dealer to have them troubleshoot/activate the 12v power, or use the wire and breaker mentioned to add your own.

I included a link to a helpful article on trailer wiring for you to take a look at.

expert reply by:
Samuel C

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