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Connecting Reverse Light Wire for an ETBC7 Trailer Wiring Harness on a 2001 Dodge Durango  


In the video the purple wire for reverse lights is not used, but is quickly described as easily attached. I know it is not a huge deal and I will never see behind me with them, but guess what? My 20foot trailer has reverse lights so a spotter can see better? and you gave me a purple wireinch with a quick connect loop that is just hanging there taunting me. So how do I easily connect it when the back lights all use a single snap on connector? It is a 2001 Durange 4.7 if it helps. 2nd question: the adapter at the break lights has 6 wires in 6 ports while the provided splitter has 5 wires in the same 6 ports. What is it not carrying over? Great website and outstanding tutorials, especially the videos. I am pretty handy about a house, but effectively have NEVER worked on a car or had any kind of mentor to guide me with them, yet I fully installed less the back up lights a complete tow package from the bracket to the brake controller with no preexisting wiring thanks to your videos. You all rock.


Expert Reply:

To answer your first question, you will use a quick splice connector, like # SWC501746-1, and attach the purple wire to one of the reverse light wires. If the reverse light wire is contained within a loom, you may have to carefully cut away enough of the loom to get to the wire.

Since it is different on every vehicle, specific instructions are not available. It is also possible to find the reverse light wire further up the vehicle at a place that is easier to access. You would need to use a circuit tester like # PTW2993 if needed to probe the wiring to find it.

To answer your second question, the adapter wiring (I assume you are talking about # 118334) does not require the same number of pins because it is not using all of the functions the taillights use. Trailers run on what is called a 2-wire system, they have combined turn signals and brake lights.

Most modern vehicles have a 3-wire system with separate turn signals and brake lights. And some vehicles have even more complex wiring. What the wiring harness does is take the functions it needs and converts them to the correct signals used by the trailer.

After this installation, I would say you are handy around the house and in the garage! Nice work.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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