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Can Weld-On A-Frame Trailer Coupler be Replaced with a Bolt-On Coupler  


I have a weld on A frame coupler that needs to be replaced. Can I replace it with a bolt on coupler as I am not a certified welder and will the bolt on affect my towing capacity? Also I would like to know if putting a weld on the coupler after bolting would hurt anything?


Expert Reply:

Yes, you can replace your weld-on coupler with a bolt-on. You'll just need to drill the holes. Then, if you wanted to go back to a weld-on later that would be fine too. Just to confirm you can check with the trailer's manufacturer that drilling the holes won't lower the trailer's capacity.

Our most popular A-frame couplers are the Demco eZ-Latch. The eZ-Latch makes it easier to hookup and disconnect from your trailer.

For a coupler that fits a 2 inch ball use # DM14793-52 and for a 2-5/16 inch ball use # DM16680-52.

expert reply by:
Charles S

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