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Trailer Brakes are Getting Hot Because Brake Controller has to be Adjusted So High  


1995 Dodge 2500 diesel Why have I got to adjust my brake controller to the point of getting my brakes hot on my trailer loaded with 8,000 lbs


Expert Reply:

Nine times out of ten the issue is that the brakes on the trailer will need to be adjusted. What likely has happened is that trailer brakes have worn down enough but have not been adjusted out to compensate for the wear. This means that you would have to increase the power output of the brake controller to get the same amount of braking. To see how to manually adjust trailer brake assemblies check out the video I attached, fast-forward to the 4:35 mark of the video. I recommend tool # W80630 to adjust the brakes.

If the brakes are properly adjusted then there could be a short. You can visually inspect the brake magnets and if you can see the windings coming through then the magnets will need to be replaced. Also check the wiring and fix any pinched or damaged wires. To further test the magnets you can follow the help article I have linked.

Brakes are going to get hot, even to the point where you can't touch them right away. But how hot are we talking about? Are they glowing red from the heat or smoking? Because that definitely indicates a problem.

Besides electrical issues it could also be mechanical. If the moving parts of the brakes are getting stuck then that could generate excessive heat. You can see if they stick when parked by having someone activate the manual override on the brake controller while you inspect the trailer brakes. If they have a hard time releasing then there could be something gumming up the works.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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