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Timbren Axle-Less Suspension for Use with 30 Inch Tires and 6 on 5-1/2 Bolt Pattern Hubs  


Hello, Im very interested in your system for a long bed Toyota utility trailer project. I would like to know if the 2,000 lb rated kit can be fitted with 6 lug hubs to match my Lancruiser, electric brakes, and 4 to accommodate 30 to 31-inch tires. Can this kit include obtainable replacement bearings and seals, and what would the approximate weight of this entire set up amount to?


Expert Reply:

You can use 6 on 5-1/2 bolt pattern hub and drum assemblies on the Timbren Axle-Less system # ASR2KHDS03. For a hub and drum assembly that will work I recommend # AKHD-655-35-EZ-K. You can then add electric brake assembly # AKEBRK-35L for the left side and # AKEBRK-35R for the right side.

Replacement parts are readily available for the hub and drum assemblies and the brakes. The Timbren system shouldn't ever need any part replaced but if it does we can take care of you there, too.

Each brake assembly weighs about 8 pounds; the hub assemblies are about 23 pounds each, and the Timbren system is approximately 105 pounds for a total of approximately 167 pounds. Err on the side of caution and call it 170 pounds.

I have also included a link to the wheels and tire and wheel combos we have that use the 6 on 5-1/2 bolt pattern.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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