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Frame Adapter Bar Recommendation to Allow Anti-Sway Cradle of Bike Rack to Function  


Dear Service Department, The other day I have purchased a Spareride Bike Rack and I tried mounting my bike on it. However, I’ve quickly realized that, because of my bike’s frame, the bike, although fits on the rack, will be swaying back and forth during transportation, because I cannot connect the vertical fastener to the bike, due to the triangular-shaped frame please see attached picture. Do you possibly have any suggestions as to how I can keep the bottom of the bike from swaying back and forth during driving? Currently, every time I hit the brakes, the bike hits my car. Thank you,


Expert Reply:

You will want to use a frame adapter bar like the part # 64005. This will attach to the seat post and steering stem to provide a level attachment pint and in doing so will allow the seat post to be used for the anti-sway cradle.

I attached a demo video for this product for you to check out as well.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
click to enlarge

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