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Can Trailer Tires be Changed from 225/75-15 Size to 205/75-15 Size  


Hi my travel trailer has 225 75 15 and I want to get 205 75 15 to put camper can I do that...


Expert Reply:

You can certainly change your trailer tires to a narrower 205mm width as long as your wheels are 6- or 6-1/2-inches in width. These are the only size wheels that can take both 225mm and 205mm tire sizes. Please refer to the linked article on tire sizes.

You'll also want to make sure that your new 205-size tires have the required weight carrying capacity for your trailer. Since you're going to a smaller tire you do not have to worry about reduced wheel well clearance. A 225/75-15 tire is approximately 28.4-inches in overall diameter when inflated while a 205/75-15 tire is about 27.1-inches. The difference in width between a 225mm and 205mm tire is 20mm, or about 3/4-inch.

You can use the linked page to see all 205/75-15 tires. You can click on either radial or bias ply construction and load range. The highest-capacity radial trailer tire we offer in this size is the Load range D Kenda # AM10245 which is rated for 2,150-lbs at 65-psi pressure. You'll also want to check the weight capacity of your wheels since this may not be the same as that of your tires. The lower-rated component determines overall capacity.

Always be sure to keep your trailer tires inflated to the maximum psi pressure noted on the tire sidewall. It is never appropriate to under- or over-inflate a trailer tire.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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