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Does The Lippert Power Stance Electric Jack Have A Cutoff Switch To Prevent Battery Drain  


Does this unit have a power on and off switch? Or just a continuous draw from my battery?


Expert Reply:

The Lippert Power Stance Electric Trailer Jack w/ 7-Way Plug # LC89VR doesn't have a cutoff switch to fully prevent battery drain, but shouldn't pull enough to kill the battery that quickly. If you're storing the trailer and worried about the battery being dead when you go to pick it up then you can install a disconnect switch like the Seaflo # SE29VR. This is super easy to mount on the tongue of the trailer and prevent battery drain while you're away. I've attached a short video below where I'll show you how to install it.

A lot of people will also mount a small solar panel to the top of their battery box, like part # PTW2997, to help trickle charge the battery to keep it topped off and stave off natural discharge of lead acid battery. This specific one only comes with clamps so personally, I would cut them off and splice in ring terminals for a more permanent and secure connection to the battery that you could just leave on and not worry about.

If you install both items then make sure that the solar is connected directly to the battery and isn't ran to the disconnect.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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