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Roof Rack and Load Stop Recommendations for ARE or LEER Cap with Factory Tracks  


Under the QandA for TH292000XT, the image shown for TA29200 in some of the QandA responses does not match the images of bases shown for TH29200XT the photos and the installation instructions do not indicate anything like the TA29200 image. Are the images for TH29200XT accurate for what is provided? I am considering camper options, and like the ability to slide the racks closer together on occasion, but prefer the TracRac CapRac for the load stops rather than multiple aftermarket items to accomplish similar tasks. ... Does Thule offer a base option for the TracRac CapRac if the camper shell already has the universal style tracks installed by A.R.E. or LEER?


Expert Reply:

The TracRac brand was bought out by Thule a number of years ago and some of their products underwent some changes under the transition - the CapRac Ladder Rack TA29200 being one of them.

Thule made some upgrades and released it as the part # TH29200XT you're seeing now with our current product images and review videos.

We definitely have some roof rack options that will fit OEM tracks on an ARE or LEER topper but the CapRac is designed as a stationary rack so it won't fit into a track system. For that I recommend checking out the Rhino-Rack Vortex system which comes with either 54" Bars # Y02-480B-NT or 59" Bars # Y02-490B-NT so you can choose whichever matches closer to your track width. Once you have the crossbars you can use load stops like part # S602 or # RRRLH2 to finish out your system.

The parts I recommended give you a roof rack that can slide along the factory tracks of an ARE or LEER cap plus they are compatible with those load stops so you can get exactly what you're needing for your setup. Attached are some videos for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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