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Replacement Trailer Hubs Using L68149 and L44649 Bearings  


i have measurements on my hubs. i need 2 replacement hubs. can you tell me which ones? .99 at threads, outer 1.06, inner 1.378, seal 1,737


Expert Reply:

It sounds like you have inner and outer bearings # L68149 and # L44649 respectively. That's a very popular combination on a # 84 spindle but the seals are normally 1.719 inches inner diameter. I would verify that number.

If this is correct there's a still a number of options that could be your correct hubs depending on whether you have drums, what bolt pattern they are, and whether you have EZ Lube spindles or not. I'll list all the optoins for you.

5 on 4-1/2 bolt pattern:

Standard spindle idler hub part # AKIHUB-545-35-K
E-Z Lube spindle idler hub part # AKIHUB-545-35-EZ-K

Standard spindle hub and drum part # AKHD-545-35-K
E-Z Lube spindle hub and drum part # AKHD-545-35-EZ-K

6 on 5-1/2 bolt pattern:

Standard spindle idler hub part # AKIHUB-655-35-K
E-Z Lube spindle idler hub part # AKIHUB-655-35-EZ-K

Standard spindle hub and drum part # AKHD-655-35-K
E-Z Lube spindle hub and drum part # AKHD-655-35-EZ-K

These aren't the only bolt pattern options but they're the most common by far. If yours is different or something else doesn't add up let me know. Also, if you aren't sure of your bolt pattern I've added an article to help you determine what you have.

expert reply by:
Charles S

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