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Issues Using Chevy Brake Controller On Trailer with Electric Over Hydraulic Brakes  


i have a 2016 GMC 3500HD, factory brake controller. I have had intermittent success on my new trailer with electric over hydraulic brakes but i continue to get fault codes on the truck. im reading online that i cant use the factory controller but have been for 4 years. but upon trying 2 different new trailers i keep getting a service trailer brakes on the display. I prefer to use my factory controller, is there an adapter you have that corrects this?


Expert Reply:

The factory trailer brake controllers are not good options for trailers with electric over hydraulic brakes. There are adapters that you can use to be made compatible, the HydraStar Electric Over Hydraulic Actuator Adapter Module part # HBA-CAM but this is not always a guaranteed fix. The issue has to do with a lack of resistance from the electric over hydraulic actuator which the factory brake controller either cannot sense or decipher.

Therefore, I recommend using the Curt Echo Wireless Trailer Brake Controller part # C51180 when towing trailers with electric over hydraulic brakes because it just plugs in and bypasses the factory brake controller so you don't have to unhook anything. It will work just fine with trailers that have electric over hydraulic brakes.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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