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Is the Puck System for Ram the Same as GM  


Is a puck system the same on a ram or chevy


Expert Reply:

The factory prep package or pucks are not the same between Ram, GM and Ford. The spacing is all different which means you cannot use a 5th wheel hitch for Ram pucks on a GM with pucks. Take the Curt A25 5th Wheel Trailer Hitch for example which is actually one of my favorites on the market. The part # C16046 is for Ram, the part # C16066 is for GM, and the part # C16036 is for Ford. If you take a close look at the mounting feet you will see the distance between them is different for each one which is why they are not cross compatible.

If you are looking at obtaining a 5th wheel hitch, the reason I like the Curt A25 so much is that it has 1" thick interlocking dual jaws which are going to do a tremendous job of reducing chucking and jarring while in tow. It also has a one pin head removal system which allows for one person to install and remove the hitch all by themselves. The other thing I like about this hitch is the three point indicator system which clearly displays when you are ready to uncouple, couple, or tow.

I have attached a review video for you as well.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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