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Difference Between 7-Way Round and 7-Way Blade Connectors  


is there a difference between a 7 pin round style trailer connector and a 7 way rv blade connector? i keep seeing the two different descriptions of seemingly the same part, is it just different terms for the same style connector?


Expert Reply:

There is a difference between a 7-way round and and 7-way rv blade connector. If you take a look at the accompanying photo, which is from our linked article on trailer wiring you can see that the connector on the left has blade-style pins while the one on the right has round pins.

There is even an adapter, the Trailer Connector Adapter # HM47425, which is a 7-pole round to 7-way blade if you need to go from the uncommon 7-way round to more common 7-blade.

I have linked each of our available 7-pin round and 7-way blade connectors for you to take a look at as well.

expert reply by:
Kyle S
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Jason M.


It seemed the other day when I went to pull home a toyhauler we just purchased, the camper plug didnt fit exactly correctly. The truck plug is the factory 7 blade plug on a 2016 Toyota Tundra. It seemed like the male blade part on the truck was too big to slide in the female camper plug. The width was fine but the trucks metal blade are, what I would call, folded over spring type metal prongs, to where the camper plug looks like it takes more of a single thickness metal spade terminal. It all actually worked, but it was only held in by the spring-loaded cover pressure holding it in place. It did get us home but I want something that makes better contact. Do you have any thoughts on this?

Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


I think you might just have two 7-Ways that have enough manufacturer variances with regards to their size/design that they just don't completely get along. If the trailer was equipped with a 7-Way round pin (instead of the blade on your truck), it not only wouldn't fit, but nothing on the trailer would work either - as the actual functions are configured differently between the two. If it's a brand new trailer (with a brand new connector) it might just take a few plugs to loosen things up too.

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