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Trailer Tire Monitor Temperatures for Safe Driving with Travel Trailer  


We tow a 6000 lb. dual axle travel trailer with 14inch tires. We just purchased a tire pressure monitoring system. I understand the tires will heat up based on our load, our speed, and the ambient temperature. However, since we live in the Southwest, we often are traveling through areas with very high temperatures. Is there a maximum temperature we should be concerned about? Perhaps a temperature that would indicate to us to pull over and let things cool or to reduce our driving speed? Thanks!


Expert Reply:

When using a tire pressure monitoring system like # TPMS-APP-4, the tire pressure will change as you drive from your max psi listed on the tire when cold to a higher psi and temp due to friction plus ambient temperatures. When traveling in the Southwest, the temperatures get very high and this particular system alerts you to high temperatures. For instance when the internal temperature is at or above 167 degrees you receive an alert, when the tire internal temperature exceeds 185 degrees you get a second alert. It also has a high pressure alert is the pressure increases 20% or more from the baseline.

In the event of high pressure, pull over and check the tire with the alert. If you get the high temperature alert, pull over and determine the cause. In most cases it will be due to a brake sticking or bearing overheating for that temperature. If it is due to the ambient temperature and friction from road contact, then stop until your are within a normal range as overheating is the number one cause of tire failure. Anytime you are unsure, it is better to be cautious and reduce your driving speed or get off the road. You also never want to exceed the speed rating listed on your tires. I've attached and article to assist with these speed ratings.

expert reply by:
Jason S

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