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How To Measure a Boat Trailer Fender Without Removing the Wheel  


I have an Astro 2001 boat trailer with 14 inch wheels. The fender is 9 inches wide but I dont know how to measure the length with the tire on the trailer. I need one new fender.


Expert Reply:

I can understand that if your boat is loaded on the trailer, you don't want to remove one of the wheels to measure the fenders. Measuring a fender with the tire still mounted can be tricky, but it's not impossible. I've provided a diagram that should be helpful. You already know how to measure the width. To get the length it is easiest to tape a piece of stiff paper to the end of each fender edge that will protrude past the wheel. Then measure between the papers. For the height, you can hold a yardstick under the paper edges and measure from the top of the fender arch down to the yardstick.

We have a few 9" wide fenders which work with 14" wheels. # CE17900G is Pre-Galvanized Steel, that is 31.5" long and 13" tall. Part # CE17920 is a steel fender that is 28.5" long and 13" tall. # HP36VR is a steel fender with a backing plate. It measures 32" long and 15" high. # HP56VR is the same fender without the backing plate. I've included a link below to all of our fenders for 14" wheels so that you can browse.

All of these fenders can be welded or you can drill mounting holes to mount them with brackets like # CE26098G-2.

expert reply by:
Amy W
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