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We Keep Blowing Out Tires. Should We Go Up From A 6 Ply To An 8 Ply?  


We keep blowing out tires. Every time we take it out. Right now we 14inch 6 ply should we go up to am 8 ply? Thank you for your help and time. LA Cody Sported you hauler 22 year 2002


Expert Reply:

My recommended first step for you to take is to determine what tire size you would need. If you check the plate on the trailer frame near the coupler there will the VIN, axle capacities, as well as the trailer tire size and Load Range recommended. Compare those specifications to the tires you currently have, if you don't have that recommended size and load range, those should be the tires you purchase.

The load range of a tire will be the capacity you need, and you can choose between bias tires, which are better for off-road or agricultural applications, or radial tires, which are better for highway driving.

When it comes to using a 8 ply versus 6 ply tire, having a higher ply will not make too much of a difference. They may give you a higher weight capacity but can eventually wear out just the same. You will always want to use tires that have a capacity that is best suited for your trailer. It is always recommended to use tires that are the same size, have the same load range and construction on a trailer. If tires are not matched you could have problems like overheating and overloading which can lead to tire failure.

You always want to make sure you inflate the tires when cold to the maximum PSI for the best performance. In order to achieve the maximum weight rating indicated on a tire the tire needs to be inflated to the maximum psi. Another factor is that trailer tires have a thick sidewall to handle more vertical load. When under inflated the thicker sidewall can generate excessive heat and lead to failure.

Also check your hauler to see if it is overloaded. If there is excessive weight it will cause your tires to run hotter and could result in a blown tire. Please ensure that you are not loading them with more weight than they (and/or your trailer axle) is rated for.

Exceeding the maximum speed rating of a trailer tire also makes them susceptible to blowouts. Please note that not all trailer tires with the same size will have the same load/speed rating. The sidewall of the tire will specify what the load range/speed rating is. For example the speed rating on # AM1ST90 is 65 miles per hour. Exceeding 65 miles per hour will also generate excessive heat.

I have attached help articles on how to Determining Trailer Tongue Weight.

Do you have photos?

expert reply by:
Timothy G

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