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Comparing Reese Strait-Line and Curt TruTrack Weight Distribution Systems for 5,800 Pound Trailer  


I have a 25 feet Vantage travel trailer. The dry weight is 5855 pounds, the carrying cap is 2345, the tongue weight is 665, the propane is 60 pounds. My truck is a RAM 1500. I hesitate between the Reese dual cam and the Curt Truline spring loaded ball bearing . My questions are: 1- Engineering wise what is the best design in term of sway control 2-Should a 1000 tongue weight and 10,000 weight distribution would be too stiff for my set up.


Expert Reply:

The Reese dual-cam sway control is the superior sway control compared to that used in the Curt TruTrack systems. The Reese systems cams attached at the trailer will be more effective that the Curt system that gets its sway control primarily at the head.

The 1,000 pound Curt system, # C17500, is actually rated for 800 to 1,000 pounds tongue weight. If the total tongue weight of the trailer is less than 800 pounds then the system would be too stiff for the trailer. The Reese Strait-Line system # RP66074 on the other hand is rated for 600 to 1,200 pounds tongue weight and would be the better choice to handle the tongue weight of your trailer. For a 2-5/16 inch ball for this system use # 19286.

Keep in mind that for weight distribution tongue weight is calculated by taking the tongue weight of the trailer, when loaded and ready to tow, and adding to that the weight of anything loaded behind the rear axle of the tow vehicle. I have included some helpful links on weight distribution and determining tongue weight for you.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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