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Recommended Weight Distribution System With Sway Control  


List of wt. distribution hitches, that allow backing, for 5000lbs and tw 500lbs


Expert Reply:

I have attached a link to our product page of the weight distribution hitches we offer that have a maximum towing capacity of 6,000 lbs. We do not offer any hitches with a 5,000 lb towing capacity.

One of the systems I recommend is the Blue Ox SwayPro Weight Distribution w/ Sway Control, part # BXW0556. This system features trunnion spring bars, and it also has sway-control which is designed to help when you are dealing with high crosswinds and large passing trucks. You'll need to purchase the proper trailer ball separately. For a 2 inch ball, go with # 63845 or # 19286 for a 2-5/16 inch ball.

As far as backing the trailer goes, most systems will allow you to back the trailer if you're backing in a fairly straight line. If there's a chance that the trailer would jackknife, it's recommended to remove the spring bars to prevent damage.

I have attached a product review video for this system you can check out. I have also attached a helpful article that explains weight distribution you can check out.

expert reply by:
Jeffrey L

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