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Will a Cushioned Ball Mount Work with Surge Trailer Brakes  


I have a boat trailer with surge brakes, will the cushion affect the brakes or stop them from activating?


Expert Reply:

The cushion inside of the Convert-A-Ball cushioned ball mount # AMSC4 would have only a slight affect on the surge coupler on your trailer. You may not even notice it. The cushion is very dense and the more pressure that is put on it the firmer it gets. It would take more force to compress that cushion than to actuate the surge coupler.

Cushioned ball mount # AMSC4 has a 2-3/4 inch rise or 4 inch drop but there are other options if you need a different rise or drop to tow the trailer level:

# AMSC12, 10-3/4 inch rise or 12 inch drop
# AMSC2, 3/4 inch rise or 2 inch drop
# AMSC10, 8-3/4 inch rise or 10 inch drop
# AMSC8, 6-3/4 inch rise or 8 inch drop
# AMSC2HD, 1 inch rise or 2 inch drop, rated for 14K
# AMSC6, 4-3/4 inch rise or 6 inch drop
# AMSC4HD, 2-3/4 inch rise or 4 inch drop, rated for 14K
# AMSC6HD, 4-3/4 inch rise or 6 inch drop, rated for 14K
And adjustable ball mount # CAB-UM with max 7 inch rise or 9-1/2 inch drop, rated for 5K

I have included a link to the right that explains how to measure for the rise or drop needed to tow a trailer level.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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