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Recommendations for Replacement Stabalizers for Coleman Taos Pop-Up Camper  


I have a coleman Taos pop-up camper that currently has three levelers under it that are the kind you have to pull out then swing down... because they are pretty far under the trailer, this usually results in having to crawl under the thing to bring them down. Id like to replace with stabalizers that I can either crank down while standing next to it or some other easier solution - Im looking for recommendations... any help would be appreciated.


Expert Reply:

I recommend going with the stackable Ultra-Fab stabilizers # UF48-979004. These stabilizers would make a good complement to your factory installed jacks. Due to the fact that they do not take up much storage space and their affordable price, the Ultra-Fab stabilizers are a very popular item.

The stabilizers are rated for 6,000 pounds each. As long as you have 11 inches or more between the ground and the bottom of the camper frame these will fit your application.

The stabilizers would be placed under your pop-up camper, and the handle rotated until the jack makes contact with the frame.

The stabilizers are not meant for lifting, they are meant to support the camper while parked.

You would want to place the stabilizer under a reinforced portion of the camper. If the small size of the disk that would contact the underside of the camper concerns you, a block of wood could always be used to provide more support.

I have linked to a video review of the stabilizer for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Chris O

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