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Recommended Brake Controller for a 2022 Ford Explorer w/ Factory Towing Package  


Hello, I have a question regarding what part is needed and what electric brake controller you’d recommend for towing. I have a 2022 Ford Explorer with a factory tow package. I wouldn’t be towing too often and mostly it would be a smaller camper trailer. Thanks for your help and recommendations,


Expert Reply:

Since your 2022 Ford Explorer has the factory tow package you can use the Tekonsha Plug-In Wiring Adapter for Electric Brake Controllers item # 3035-P to install the Redarc Tow-Pro Elite item # RED63RR. This adapter will connect to the one that comes with the Tow-Pro Elite and allow you to plug into a port located behind the appearance panel on the driver's side. Just remove the two screws to get the panel to drop, you are looking for a grey plug. The grey plug is sometimes taped together to another plug. It is typically found about where your right knee would be if you were sitting in the driver's seat.

I really like the Tow-Pro Elite because of its unique installation method where the only visible portion is the control knob that's about the size of a nickel. The main unit is hidden away inside your dash to be completely out of the way and out of sight. This is a proportional brake controller that engages your trailer's brakes with the same force as your Explorer is stopping with. It uses inertia to trigger the brakes so there's no delay.

The adapter that comes with the Redarc Tow-Pro Elite item # RED63RR is also available to be purchased individually if you want to use a different Redarc Controller like the Liberty item # RED24FR. It is item # 331-TPH-017.

expert reply by:
Jerred H

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