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Recommended Brake Controller and Plug In Adapter for a 2021 Ford Explorer w/ Factory 7-Way  


I am considering buying a brake controller for my 2021 ford explorer. I think i may see where the port is beneath the steering column. Is it already plugged into something that i have to disconnect and attach controller? Thanks


Expert Reply:

I would be happy to help you. On your 2021 Ford Explorer the connector is located under the dash, above and to the right of where the driver's right knee would be. The connector will be rectangle, grey in color, and can sometimes be taped to another plug concealing it. It won't be plugged into something else. Since your Explorer has a factory 7-Way you will be able to use the Plug-and-Play Wiring Harness for Redarc Tow-Pro Trailer Brake Controllers item # RED87FR to have a plug and play installation. This will allow you to connect the Redarc Tow-Pro Liberty Brake Controller item # RED24FR, you were looking at, to your Explorer without cutting or splicing wires.

I highly recommend the Redarc Tow-Pro Liberty Brake Controller item # RED24FR. This is a proportional brake controller that activates your trailer's brakes when your Explorer decelerates. It has a unique installation method where the only visible portion is the control knob that's about the size of a nickel. The main unit is hidden away inside your dash to be completely out of the way and out of sight. It has a 3-Axis accelerometer that measures deceleration in all directions for precise braking and smooth, uniform stopping action.

expert reply by:
Jerred H

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