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Replacement Bearing/Seals for Hubs With 1 Inch Spindle  


I have a home made trailer with a 4 bolt hub. The axle has a 1inch diameter shaft. Diameter at the inside of seal is around 1.230 inches. Diameter of inside of hub for seal is around 1.985 inches. Outside bearing is a 44643 bearing. Inside Bearing is destroyed so no number there. I woudl liek a complete bearing a seal kit. Can you recommend a part number. Axle more than likely was original equipment on a Coleman Pop up camper. Thanks


Expert Reply:

If the axle has a straight spindle with an L44643 outer bearing, it would use the same L44643 inner bearing.

So, we've got the bearings and their compatible L44610 races covered. For the grease seal, you're most likely needing a 34823 seal which has an ID of 1.249 inches and an OD of 1.983 inches which is super-close to the measurements you provided. The seal ID can be tricky to get because it's usually pretty mangled when it's removed.

The easiest way to get the seal ID is measure the surface of the spindle that the seal rides against. If that measurement proves to be right at 1.249, then you'd need the # BK1-100 bearing kit which includes the L44643 inner and outer bearing, the 34823 double lip grease seal and the L44610 races. A replacement cotter pin is also provided.

I've linked to an install video and some help articles that might come in handy.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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