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Trailer Hitch Extension for Towing a Trailer with a Truck Bed Camper in a 2002 Dodge Ram 3500 Dually  


Our 10foot 2inch Citation Supreme truck camper on our 2002 Dodge 3500 Dually requires that I use a hitch extender to pull a light trailer, what length extender should I use. The 9foot 6inch camper we previously had worked with a 24inch extender but now Ill need extra length with the longer camper The trailer I tow will be a 16ft. Aluminum boat which is balanced nicely,fairly light and doesnt require brakes. What length hitch extender will I need?


Expert Reply:

If 24 inches was fine before and the new camper is 8 inches longer than the previous one then it would make sense that you would need an extension that is at least 32 inches long.

The only extensions we have that are this long require that you have a 2-1/2 inch trailer hitch receiver. You would use # RP45292 that you have referenced.

If you can tell me what type of trailer hitch you have I can determine if it will work or if you will need to add a proper hitch to get it to work.

Otherwise what you will need to do for a 2 inch hitch receiver is use a long extension like # HE18 which is 18 inches long and then a ball mount that is the additional length like # BM20 which is 13-1/4 inches long. However, this is not recommended because you are essentially adding more links in the chain and additional pivot points that will effectively reduce the trailer hitches tongue weight capacity by 50 percent.

If the boat and trailer are light enough, I would say this is not much of a problem depending on what the starting tongue weight capacity is on the hitch. However, when you calculate tongue weight you also have to add in the weight of anything behind the rear axle of the truck. Given that you have a large camper back there, some of which is behind the rear axle, that extra weight and reduced tongue weight capacity of the hitch by using extensions is most likely going to well exceed the hitches capacity and lead to a dangerous towing set up.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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