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Difference Between Stealth Hitch SH27FRT and SH27FR Plus the SH36FR  


Hi, Whats the difference between # SH27FRT, and the following two put together: # SH27FR and #SH36FR. They appear to have the same functionality, but the two packages together are slightly less expensive than # SH27FRT. Does this item have some advantages over the combination of # SH27FR and #SH36FR. Thanks


Expert Reply:

There is no difference. The # SH27FRT includes the hitch with the accessory-only receiver, as well as the ball mount needed for towing and the wiring kit. The # SH27FR would include only the hitch and the accessory-only receiver while the # SH36FR is the towing kit that includes the wiring and the towing ball mount which are both vehicle-specific like the hitch.

The price differential is just a reflection of what Stealth Hitch charges us for the product. You can purchase the # SH27FRT or combine the # SH27FR and the # SH36FR. Our prices will typically fluctuate with the market, so the pricing difference you see now might not exist tomorrow or the next day.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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