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Can I Use a Shorter Pioneer Platform with My Rhino Rack BackBone System  


Im interested in the kit linked below but I was wondering if it would be possible to only install the back two mounting brackets and use a shorter Basket? Like the 36 or 48x56 they offer. I dont want to block the front panels of my hardtop like the longer one in the kit does. Thanks


Expert Reply:

The short answer to this question is going to be- No. I reached out to Rhino Rack on this and they informed me that the way the # JB0892 backbone systems are designed, they're designed so that all 3 of the mounting points on each side are used to distribute weight evenly. Using a shorter Pioneer Platform wouldn't use all of the legs and supports, so it's not going to distribute the weight across the system in the manner it was designed and would likely create some issues.

With that said, you can still remove the Pioneer platform when it's not in use so you would have access to remove the Freedom panels. Additionally, you could likely still remove them even with the platform attached, since you'll pop those up from the front anyways. It would probably be louder than normal but it can still be done.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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