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Factory Trailer Wiring Harness Connection Point on a 2001 Toyota Highlander  


supposibly the 2001 toyota highlander has the trailor light harness somewhere underneath rear of car i cant seem to locate it can you heip


Expert Reply:

If your 2001 Toyota Highlander came with a factory tow package then there is a connection underneath. But if it did not come with a tow package the connector will either A) not be there or B) not be functional.

On vehicles that have the connector it is located behind the rear bumper. On some, it is located behind the bumper and inside of a plastic box. Take a look at the instructions I have linked for harness # 118245 which should help you locate the harness if it is present on the vehicle.

If you do not have a factory tow package then you will need a different harness that plugs in line with the vehicle tail light wiring, # 118413. I have included a link to the instructions for this harness and a link to a video showing a typical installation for you.

If you then need to install a 7-Way trailer connector I recommend # ETBC7. It will provide the 7-Way and all of the wiring to install a brake controller should you need one. For a brake controller I recommend the P2 # 90885 because it is easy to set up and easy to use. I have included an additional link explaining the ETBC7 installation.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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