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Difference Between ST205/75R14 and ST215/75R14 Goodyear Trailer Tires  


Trailer tires. What is the difference between the 205 and 215? Trailer has 205 on it.


Helpful Expert Reply:

The Kenda Karrier ST205/75R14 Radial Trailer Tire # AM10235 (Load Range D) and the Kenda Karrier ST215/75R14 # AM10229 (Load Range C) that you referenced are simply different tire sizes. The ST215/75R14 tire size is larger in diameter/height by just about 0.6 inches and larger in width by about 0.4 inches when compared to your existing ST205/75R14 tires. It is also a lower load range.

As long as you have the wheel well clearance available for the slightly larger size, there isn't a reason you couldn't upgrade to the ST215/75R14 size except that we only have this size in the Load Range C which only has the 1,870 at 50 psi load range compared to the 2,040 lbs at 65 psi load range of the slightly smaller tire at a higher load range.
I have attached a short video review on this tire that you can also check out.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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