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Recommended Roof Rack Options for Carrying a Canoe on a 2018 Ford F-150 with a Camper Shell/Cap  


what can I use to carry a canoe on top of my 2018 F-150 Super Screw Cab. I do have a cap on it.


Expert Reply:

To carry a canoe on top of your 2018 Ford F150 Super Crew Cab with a camper shell I first recommend installing the Thule TracRac Cap Rac # TH29200XT. This will fit your cap whether you have a 5-1/2', 6-1/2, or an 8' long bed and has a weight capacity that matches the weight rating of your cap.

Then for the cab I recommend using the Thule WingBar system to match the TracRac. This includes the 60" WingBars # TH711520 Black or # TH711500 Silver along with the Evo Clamp Feet # TH710501 and the Fit Kit # TH145177. The roof rack options for your cab all have a weight rating of 130 lbs.

The TracRac bars are a little thicker than standard aero bars so I recommend going with a channel mount canoe carrier like the Lockrack Watersport Carrier # 339LR65LASET for your application. This will fit both the TracRac bars and the WingBars bars so you can put them on whichever part of your roof that you wish.

You may also want to use a platform step like # SASA-10C-G since loading a canoe on top of an F-150 can prove to be a bit difficult.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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