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Exact Measurement of Receiver of Curt Trailer Hitch 15703  


I have a 2009 GM 2500HD with factory hitch and has lots of slop in the receiver Im interested in the Curt C15703 but need to ask if you could get the actual measurement of the 2-1/2 inside dimension ? I used a pair of inside calipers and mine measures 2.575 and I dont want to purchase another hitch with that much play . I purchased a 2 1/2 shank from you last year hoping that would eliminate the play but it didnt help and that shank measures 2.500 .I tow a 31foot Airstream with The Reese Dual cam hitch with 800lb. bars . So if you can measure the hitch opening for me I would like to know that dimension before I order it .Thanks


Helpful Expert Reply:

I went out to the warehouse with digital calipers to get the exact measurement of the receiver of the Curt Trailer Hitch # C15703 and found it to be 2.55" though it is possible for the hitch that is shipped to you to have slightly (and by slightly I mean a couple hundredths or thousandths of an inch) more or less room in the receiver.

There is always going to be some slight play but you can reduce this with the use of the Blue Ox Hitch Receiver Immobilizer II # BX88225 which is designed to be used with 2-1/2" hitches and can be used when towing or with accessories.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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