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How to Clean Out a Freshwater Tank and Lines on an RV or Trailer  


How to clean out the fresh water tank for use.


Expert Reply:

It depends on the type of freshwater system you have in your RV or trailer. There is likely a specific procedure outlined in the literature for the RV/trailer that you will need to follow. If there isn't then you can follow the procedure below.

Basically when you are sanitizing the tank you aren't just cleaning that tank. You will be cleaning out the whole system so the water and sanitizing solution you use will run through the whole system.

A lot of people use a bleach and water solution to clean out the tank. You will need about 1/4 cup bleach per 15 gallons of water your tank can hold. So for example if you have a 30 gallon tank you would use 1/2 cup of bleach.

To start you will need to drain the water heater by first making sure the water heater is not hot or under pressure. Then you will locate the drain plug, remove it, and open the pressure relief valve on the water heater.

Next, find the low point water line drains, one for hot water and one for cold water. Open these drains and the water will start to drain.

The next step is to drain the freshwater tank. While the tank is draining or if it appear it is done draining you can briefly turn on the water pump to push any water out that is still in the system. Once the water has stopped draining turn off the pump or it can burn out. Then go back and close all of the drains that were opened/unplugged.

Now that all of the water is out you can start to sanitize the system by mixing the bleach with the water and pouring it into the freshwater tank until the tank is full of the water and bleach solution. Turn the water pump back on to start circulating the water through the system. Open all hot and cold faucets in the RV/trailer. When you smell the bleach at each faucet turn off the faucets.

Next you can drive or tow the RV/trailer a little to make sure the water and bleach solution sloshes around to cover the whole tank and system. You will need to let the RV/trailer sit overnight or, if done in the morning, let it sit for 12 hours. This lets the water and bleach solution do its work.

When the time is up drain the whole system again like before and once empty fill the tank with fresh water. Open all of the faucets again to let the water flow through the system. Keep doing this until you no longer smell the bleach. Once you no longer smell bleach the system will be ready for normal use.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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