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Can Gooseneck Trailer Wiring Harness Lay On Truck Bed Floor  


I just got a gooseneck trailer and I was wondering if the excess from the light cord can lay on the bed floor of the pickup while it’s plugged in? I’ve always heard that on semi trucks the light cord can not touch anything while hanging from the tractor to the trailer. The light plug on the pickup is inside the bed towards the left rear corner. I hung the cord over the gooseneck to keep it off the floor and when I turn sharp it’s not long enough but when I lay it on the floor there’s plenty of cord. Didn’t know if there was some kind of spring hanger you had so I could hang it from under the gooseneck to keep it off floor. Thanks, Todd


Helpful Expert Reply:

The only real reason you might not want the excess cord from your gooseneck trailer laying on the bed floor is that it may just expose it a bit more to potential damage during travel, such as from additional items you may have in the truck bed, sitting water, etc. With that being said, this is perfectly fine to do and certainly a better alternative to hanging it over the gooseneck like you mentioned which didn't give you enough slack for making sharp turns.

We don't have any specific products designed to hang the cord under the trailer but you should be able to use some standard zip ties to secure it into place if you want to do this.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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