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Comparing the Malone RunWay and Swagman XC Bike Racks  


I am planning to put 1 nishiki road bike and 1 nishiki Manitoba womens hybrid bike on my 2013 honda crosstour. I am debating between this particular rack vs swagman trailhead 2 bike racks63360 vs swagman xc 2 bike racks64650 vs rola tx102 2 bike rack59400. Which one is the best? Since there is no video on this rack I cant compare with others. Can you plz help me to choose. I need steady rack so bikes not gonna shakes/hit each others/ doesnt hit on my car. Thank you.


Expert Reply:

To keep the bikes from making contact with each other as well as the back of the vehicle I recommend only looking at platform style bike racks such as # MPG2149 and the Swagman XC # S64650. With the hanging style racks you referenced the bikes will likely make contact with each other though it is unlikely they would make contact with the vehicle.

All bike racks will have some movement when installed. Both the RunWay and XC have an anti-rattle hitch bolt to limit the movement but keep in mind that no rack will be completely motionless.

Between these two racks I like the Swagman XC better. It has been around a long time, it is at a good price since it doesn't have all the bells and whistles that other racks have, and it gets the job done.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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