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Where is the Best Location to Mount the Air Lift WirelessONE Compressor System on a 2016 Ford F-150  


Hi, do you have any recommended mounting positions for the Air Lift Wireless One Compressor Kit on a 2016 F-150 Super Crew 6.5foot box? The mounting position you show on your video is for a 2009 F150. The same spot is available on the 2016, but the brake line/wiring hangs down further and there isnt enough room to install the compressor box. The wiring harness would also have to cross the engine bay as the battery and fuse box are on the passenger side. There is plenty of space on the passenger side inside frame rail to mount everything, and it would keep the wiring harness on the same side as the battery and fuse box, but it also means the compressor and manifold are next to the exhaust system - is this an acceptable location? How far should it be from the exhaust system? I was also considering installing it on the bottom of the box, just in front of the spare tire to keep it nice and high. What do you suggest? Do you also recommend to drill drain holes through the plastic housing in case water gets into the plastic housing through the vent holes? Thanks!


Expert Reply:

There are not really any specifications on where to install the Air Lift WirelessONE Compressor System # AL25980, but there are specifics in the installation instructions on page 6 when it comes to places where NOT to install it.

If you choose to install it on the outside of your 2016 Ford F-150 then you will need to make sure that it is shielded from direct splash. A place that is nice and high, like behind the spare tire like you mentioned, is a great spot as long as you can ensure it won't get water splashed on it. I do not recommend drilling drain holes in the compressor box as it will give water a better opportunity to get in. It is also recommended to avoid heat sources or mounting it under the hood. If the mounting location that is near the exhaust is the prime spot (aside from the heat) then you might be able to fabricate a sort of heat shield by using some sheet metal so that it helps to eliminate the heat factor.

One thing that makes it easier for installation is that the compressor can be mounted in any position on a frame or crossmember.

Unfortunately there is not really a specific place designed to install the Air Lift Kit, but from the research you have done and from the details of your question I am confident that you will be able to find the best location to avoid the elements and heat.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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